Monday, March 17, 2008

Black Mage

So I really suck at updating this thing!!

I have been doing the Nyzul assault still - salvage - we were doing Limbus until recently and as always still doing Dynamis with Soymilk.

I guess this was supposed to be about BLM so here it is I finally reached level 75 and starting meriting with on BLM. I have to thank Erebus for duoing with me for such a long time on thursday's.
Erebus thank you /bow

So the same day I reached 75 I also spent my first merits on BLM which you will see below ^^

I plan on finishing up ice and thunder potency to level 5 and taking freeze II to level 3 and burst II to level 2 and I am thinking maybe torando II just for Kirin fun.

Since these first ones I have added level 2 for ice and thunder and also started elemental magic skill which is also level 2 now.

I am hoping BLM will be a nice addition for any events (Salvage, Limbus, Dynamis, etc...) and I am hoping I can get a burn crew together for the ISNM that drops the Khroma ore. I would like to start saving for those Salvage body pieces.

Anyway I will try and update this again sometime this month maybe with some THF or RDM stuff I have been doing...or maybe just some assault or salvage craziness.

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